Crazy situation!! Know narcissist patterns & be seriously liberated at all levels!

1 year ago

The "Anti-Narc" is finishing up his 187 video mini-library of truth, to break his #1 out of the narc trap. The one concrete positive is IF she breaks out of this one she will recognize ALL OF THEM. Then she will be like me, a valiant contributor to good, and advancing ideologies and cultivator on conscious levels of a higher level. We are all in a spiritual war between "narcissism" and "valid heroism," WHETHER YOU REALIZE YOU ARE IN IT OR NOT!
In the end, you are going to grip HONESTLY tell your knuckles are white, and this HONESTY is a sword you will chop down deception with or you will be a DECEIVER. The lying evil scheming villain in the movie who will win in ruining many of the weak people around them!!!!!!'

Join the most important revolution of our time []! HERE:

I realize the ending was abrupt -- I have animals out here I am responsible to look after while here, and ---who has time for these pathetic narc losers anyways.

#narcissist #narcissisticmother #parentalalienation

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