1 year ago

Wednesday Night Live 3 May 2023!

How much more authoritarian does Canada have to get before deciding its time to leave?

You said that discarding a perfectly viable embryo is not equivalent to abortion. I'm not saying I disagree with you, but I have a hard time understanding the difference, from a moral standponit, between an implanted embryo and a frozen one. Can you please help me?

Hi Stef, how did you raise Izzie so that she could understand how society works without becoming disillusioned or alienated?

It's May the 4th here in Europe, which means Star Wars day! What are your thoughts on the philosophical themes in Star Wars? I always thought the relationship between Luke and Vader is very interesting and would be worth examining.

Half way through the future at the moment - Stef would you take the opportunity to freeze/ suspend yourself like president Staten at the end of your life for a shot at experiencing the Civ?

But its the classic Joseph campbell hero journey!

Frodo and luke could have both denied the call to be a hero!

Stef you’re tapping into the greatest knowledge we can use in life. You’ve saved me from the clutch’s of manipulation from past acquaintances for the last 8 years. Everyday I work to push myself to be virtuous and my life is fulfilling and rewarding.

When I talk to my friends, who have children, about peaceful parenting, they say "Oh yeah that sounds good on paper but you will see once you have your own kids..."

Stef that last podcast about the guy struggling with his gym/training business was great. Very good business tips you gave that guy

I'll soon become a father, but I feel depressed. My life's never been this good compared to where I come from. I know I'll be a great father - I'm committed to peaceful parenting and being better than my FOO ever was. Could this depression be triggered by malicious alter egos? You often say "Who wants you to X?" Sometimes I think I want to make changes in one generation that usually takes three.

Follow up on the Tolkien comment. Couldn't you argue that Ayn Rand was extremely popular for stories that argue against the virtues of gov?

Stefan, any advice for what to look for in a place for homeschooling? Is it better to hunt for lax homeschool lows and higher family percentages and crime rates, or crime rate and seclusion? When I do research usually the secluded areas have more reported drug overdoses. My other concern is I'm making the decision without the partner.

Not taking replicated trauma, abuse personally really seems to make the case for free will, self-ownership, the opportunity for every soul to be better and do Good. Damn this goes deep. Need to internalize this better.

It's interesting how of the ten commandments, only the 'honor thy father and thy mother' is written in a consequentialist way, followed up by saying 'so that you may live long.' Reminds me of the book Origins of War in Child Abuse and the widespread infanticide described there. Maybe it's a warning, not a moral law?

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