Session 24: How to argue against abortion without using the Bible.

1 year ago

Table of Contents
00:00 - Intro
02:40 - Discussion Questions
02:48 - What was the Prophet's role in the Bible?
04:56 - The Logical Case against ABORTION
05:08 - First Motto: Don’t let the consequences of your Logic force you to abandon that Logic
08:24 - Second Motto: Focus or Perish
09:56 - If you had an abortion, we are NOT here to condemn you. We are all sinners in need of grace.
10:55 - Never make Abortion a Christian vs Non-Christain issue
13:23 - Be cautious, least the person you are talking to has had an abortion
14:21 - Our Agenda
15:35 - Why we need to know about Abortion
16:08 - The Slippery Slope is real
20:48 - Nazi Germany; America Today; America Tomorrow?
23:15 - Planned Parenthood
24:42 - Euthanasia
30:48 - Facts about Abortion
31:44 - Gestational Stages
33:53 - What is an Abortion?
34:07 - Abortion is Legal at any point in America
35:58 - The Story of Emmett Till
37:45 - Abortion Methods
40:24 - Do you think we should do something to stop abortions?
43:04 - Most important reason given for terminating an unwanted pregnancy
46:19 - How to defuse 5 potential emotional bombs ahead of time
46:36 - Rape & Incest
47:37 - Life of the Mother
49:20 - Contraception
49:42 - Rights of the Mother
52:15 - How to reduce the argument to a single issue: what is it?
55:00 - Most common Pro-Choice Arguments
56:44 - Primary Tactic to Win Abortion Arguments
58:32 - Coat Hangers
01:01:57 - Abortion is a private matter between a woman and her God
01:02:50 - Most poor women cannot afford another child so it’s OK to allow abortions
01:12:20 - Unwanted/Abused Children, Quality of Life, Deformed/Handicapped
01:15:05 - If you are opposed to abortion don’t have one
01:19:38 - You must first take care of unwed mothers and provide care for the children or you can’t oppose abortion
01:25:00 - Overpopulation
01:26:37 - Pro-life rhetoric causes fanatics to bomb clinics and kill people
01:27:35 - How can you as a man speak about abortion? This is about a woman’s right to choose
01:29:45 - It’s a woman’s body. She should be allowed to do what she wants with her body.
01:30:32 - Pro-lifers are hypocritical and believe in Capital punishment
01:32:02 - Unless you’ve had an abortion how can you speak against it.
01:33:11 - How to prove that the fetus is either human or something we don’t know
01:33:35 - Proving that the Unborn is Human
01:34:44 - The SLED to prove the fetus is human
01:45:52 - Use DNA Evidence
01:46:30 - It is irrational to say that the fetus is not HUMAN
01:46:37 - What if I can’t convince them that the fetus is human?
01:50:32 - Summary of our Arguments
01:52:04 - What we can do about it
01:57:44 - Q&A 1: “I am just listening to orders” excuse
02:02:25 - Q&A 2: Charged with two murders if killing a pregnant woman?
02:03:50 - Q&A 3: Government funding of abortion with taxpayers’ money
02:05:04 - Q&A 4: Punishment worse for rape-1
02:08:59 - Q&A 5: Planned Parenthood in Guatemala and Postnatal abortion
02:11:40 - Q&A 6: Punishment for rape-2
02:12:16 - Q&A 7: Punishment for people who perform an abortion
02:13:36 - Q&A 8: Movies recommended for watching

Thanks for tuning in!
(⇩⇩⇩ Check out Neil’s websites and books below ⇩⇩⇩)

➤ Websites
NoBlindFaith Website
Neil’s Books (Amazon)
Values Advocacy Website

✦Who is Agent X: Proving that Science and Logic show it is More Rational to Think God Exists
✦Jesus is involved in Politics (Why aren’t you? Why isn’t your church?)
✦40 Days Towards A More Godly Nation: Why Only Churches Can Lead the Way To a Happier, Healthier, Safer, & Mutually Prosperous
✦Who is Agent X Slides Version
✦Proving God Exists for Kids: The Mystery of the Picture: Where did the Universe come from? Did it come from Nothing? (A Young Apologist Detectives' Mystery)
(coauthored with Mary-Katherine Mammen)

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