NIGHT SHADOWS 05032023 -- A WAG THE DOG Type of War? Overwhelmed by Immigrants

1 year ago

So MAYDAY saw a huge attack by Russian forces upon Ukraine but barely a whisper that it ever took place - and this war appears to be totally scripted by global deep state as one does not fight a war such as this unless a "higher power" is building towards something more dangerous. It appears that Ukraine is an "experiment" for the world leaders to test out new weapons of war, bring in a new ID control system to see if this or that works, and on and on. Now we hear that Moscow was hit by a drone strike, but if one watches the video if appears to be more show and tell than any destruction. Are we sort of watching a WAG THE DOG type of war? Then we have earth changes, border problems continue unabated, and well, the Matrix will soon close and humanity of this era will long be a forgotten myth to those of future. So the saying goes, don't sweat the little things, but now maybe the big things as well? 

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