RFK Jr.? Can he PRIMARY China Joe Biden and SAVE America? The future of Kamala Kackle? Nixon/Reagan!

1 year ago

CAN RFK. Jr. "Primary" Incumbent POTUS Bird Legs Biden? In 1976, then-candidate Ronald W. Reagan nearly pulled this feat off against the Incumbent President Gerald Ford, who won the Presidency without receiving a single Vote. It COULD happen, and I am rooting for RFK. Jr. to do just that: PRIMARY this horrific DEM Ticket that has put numerous nails in the coffin of America. I am considering switching my political affiliation to DEM just so I can Vote for RFK. Jr. in the DEM Primaries. Then after that Primary, hurry up and switch back to GOP so I can Vote for Trump 2024. While I am tinting about all this, still too early to tell, but the MIC( Military Industrial Complex) has gotten it's fingers and puppet strings in the brains/bones of the MSM, all things Wall ST. who profits off of the MIC, and they do NOT want Trump back in 2024. As of right now if it is Biden vs. Trump rematch, Biden squeaks by once more. The DN AND the GOP will make sure those 7 battleground states: WI, MI, AZ, GA, PA, VA, and NV swing Biden's way with those Vans pulling up 4 am, and giving the ballots an extra three weeks to pad Biden's lead like 2020. Who is going to stop them? Dominion WON their settlement against FOX News, thus no one wants to ever challenge Dominion machines ever again. Tell me this was not done by design, and if so I have a bridge right outside my house I will sell to you at a GREAT price! Remember, the Dominion case did not see the light of a courtroom - it was settled 787 MILLION in.....wait. for it.....sit down.....ready???? ONE freaking day!!! Now Murdoch is trying to sell FOX NEWS and there is an article I have stashed somewhere that depicts how Murdoch's two daughter-in-laws are rabid DEM Hillary/Bernie/Obama Feminists and the sons are not much brighter. They hired Donna Brazile, the Operative that fed Hillary the questions AND answers to that debate in 2015/6. That should tell you everything you need to know about FOX NEWS. Oh, don't forget hiring and retaining Geraldo Rivera, another jump-on-the-bandwagon pos.

Enough, I require repose. Lights out. Next time! Ciao!

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