Mass Effect 3, playthrough part 2 (with commentary)

1 year ago

In this part, Shepard having picked up Liara and the Prothean Data on Mars quickly flee to the Citadel. Hoping to get Ashley some medical attention, get aid from the Council and flee the swarming Reaper forces in the Sol system. The Citadel mostly in denial over the Reaper threat. Old friends like Bailey and Udina know how bad things are. The Council as always unwilling to help and barely even acknowledge the Reapers exist. Shepard, with some assistance, comes up with a new plan, to go and ask for aid from each species' leadership. Better than begging for help from the apathetic council. The Turian Councilor worried for his own people helps Shepard by saying if he could save the Turian Primarch he would endorse and assist any alien summit that Shepard sets up. Gameplay wise, I explore the Citadel for the first time, and explore the Normandy for the first time. I do the dlc mission to pick up the dlc party member. Enjoy, and stay tuned for more Mass Effect.

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