Christ the Head of the 7 Churches of Revelation

1 year ago

The letters to the 7 Churches of the book of Revelation show different attributes of Christ as the head of the church.

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Revelation chapters 2 & 3 contain messages written for and sent to the 7 Churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.

â–¶ Each receives its own short, personalized message from the head of the Church, the resurrected Jesus Christ.
â–¶ Each message follows a pattern of noting their accomplishments, their faults or shortcomings, their trials, and they are reminded of the glorious outcome for those who overcome and persevere.
â–¶ At the start of each message He mentions one or two things about Himself which relate to His role as head of the Church. This serves to remind them that what the messenger brings to them is actually from Him

Most of these attributes of Christ are mentioned in Revelation 1:10-20. These verses serve as an introduction to the letters written to the churches and in certain cases adds some insight to what the symbols mean.

This video into these attributes of the risen Christ and consider how they relate to His present role as the living head of the Church… actively working within His Church!

Photos by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.​

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