Parting from the Meher Spiritual Center

1 year ago

Leslie Ott Walsh describes the painful experience of being legally evicted from the Meher Baba Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, the childhood home she grew up in from the age of 5, and where she cared for her mother Phyllis Ott in the final 2 years of her life. 53 minutes. A film by Chris Ott. Filmed in Longs, SC on April 27, 2023.

Leslie Ott Walsh describes the painful experience of being legally evicted from the Meher Baba Center in Myrtle Beach, the childhood home she grew up in from the age of 5, and where she cared for her mother Phyllis Ott in the final 2 years of her life. 53 minutes. A film by Chris Ott. Filmed in Longs, SC on April 27, 2023.

For historical context, this is what Meher Baba, through his secretary Adi, replied to Lyn and Phyllis Ott when they asked him for permission to move onto the Meher Center in January 1966:

"In reply to your wish to build a house on and settle in Myrtle Beach Center property, beloved Baba says that He has no objection to your doing it provided it is practical from all points of view, considering the present circumstances and future possibilities of better prospects for your family, especially your children, and approved by Elizabeth Patterson." – Adi K. Irani, India, Jan. 22, 1966

Elizabeth Patterson, a very rich woman who ran the Center, had the Otts sign a document that essentially disinherited their children, willing their estate back to the Center when they died.

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