Tucker Carlson Adopted by Swanson Heiress and was denied when he applied with the CIA!

1 year ago

Who is Tucker Carlson?
Why didn't he leave before they booted him since his corporate handlers would not allow him to report certain information?
Why did he give up his ownership in the Daily Caller a few years ago?
Did you know his father was president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and U.S. ambassador to the Seychelles [archipelagic state consisting of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean]?
He has written and worked for various news platforms throughout his career.

Dancing with the Stars alum?

Hoping to do a part 2 as there is much many do not know about Tucker Carlson's background.

#TuckerCarlson, #MainstreamMedia, #CorporateOwnedNews, #MockingbirdMedia

For my research notes you can skim in this article with full sources go here,

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