Dealing with Late Night Practice? Here's What You NEED to Know!

1 year ago

Dealing with Late Night Practice? Here's What You NEED to Know!
Training late at night is not ideal but here is how we can work around it
Q&A from a young men's group

\[00:01] Perform breathing drills and meditation before bed, avoid big meals after practice, have a small shake with protein and rice, and eat a big meal in the morning.\

\[00:26] Remember, an adjustment period is normal when starting something new.\

\[00:51] To help wind down, practice meditation and take a warm shower before bed.\
this would be a good drill before bed

\[01:18] Improve sleep quality by having big meals in the morning.\

\[01:42] Enhance post-workout recovery with a light meal and meditation.\

\[02:09] Proper meal timing is crucial for effective training.\

\[02:33] After wrestling, fuel your body with protein and carbs.\

\[02:58] Efficient movement is key to avoiding fatigue.\

Lastly, proper technique and leverage are essential for controlling and manipulating opponents.

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