Everything For God? (Genesis 22) #biblecommentary #truth #jesuschrist #biblical #trustissues #truth

1 year ago

Genesis 22:1–2 (From the Bible Knowledge Commentary): It is one thing to claim to trust God’s word when waiting for something; it is quite another thing to trust and obey His word after it is received. This was a test of how much Abraham would obey God’s word. Would he cling to the boy now that he had him, or would he still obey and return him to the Lord? In other words how far would Abraham go in obedience? Did he really believe that God would still keep His word and raise the seed of promise?
#abraham #genesis #godcalls #respond #timetable #180truth #graceandpeace #jesus #jesuschrist #discipleship #bible #biblical #oneminutebiblestudy #biblecommentary #oneminutebiblecommentary #abrahamandisaac #walkbyfaith

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