UBS assisted CCP cadres the most in money laundering, hiding wealth, and other illegal activities

1 year ago

10/5/2022 Miles Guo: UBS assisted the CCP cadres the most in money laundering, hiding wealth, and other illegal activities. The private banking business of UBS is about 4500 times bigger than that of Credit Suisse. If Credit Suisse goes bust, there would be a global financial catastrophe exceeding the Great Depression of 1929. But to prevent the exposure of CCP’s hidden assets due to bankruptcy restructuring or reorganization, the CCP will step in and save Credit Suisse.
10/5/2022 文贵直播:瑞银(UBS)是帮助中共官员洗钱、藏钱和犯罪最多的银行。瑞银私人部门的业务量大约是瑞信的4500倍;若瑞信垮了,全球将爆发超过1929年大萧条的金融灾难;但为了防止因瑞信重组而曝光中共隐匿的资产,中共将出手救瑞信。

#CCP #UBS #CreditSuisse #PrivateBanking #MoneyLaundering #BankruptcyRestructuring

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