Part 2 "The 250BOYCOTT" "Max Trinitys Trickle UP Global Economics"

1 year ago

Jul 8, 2009
The bankster-politi-corporate-greedict- parasites can only control us if we cooperate. They've been using our HOMES for financial "devices" for so long now, we don't ever even question the validity of it. We think because we "signed a contract" we're bound by "the law" to keep it. Well, when you sign a contract with a criminal who subverts and controls "the law" then, you DON"T have to keep it once you've discovered the illegitimacy of the whole scam.

Our homes are our HOLY GROUND! They are SACRED to us. We can declare our sovereignty by claiming our homes as holy ground and claiming sanctuary inside them! The only way we'll EVER be FREE is if we take back our homes and get the bloodsuckers out of our lives for good.

More than 70% of the homes in the U.S. are over twenty yrs. old, the labor and REAL cost of materials has long been paid. Now, we pay "traders" for permission to live in "their trading comodity". This is disgusting! We don't need PERMISSION to live in OUR HOMES! And WE don't need PERMISSION to change our society.

DON"T CHANGE YOUR PAYMENTS NOW! Just put up a homemade 250BOYCOTT sign and spread the word. By the time the 250BOYCOTT becomes common knowledge people will already be "occupying" their "foreclosed" homes in mass! Don't leave your home if you can't pay and put up 250BOYCOTT signs to show there is solidarity and that others have your back. For the rest of us, when the time is right and we'll know it, we'll ALL STOP PAYING OUR RENTS AND MORTGAGES, ALL AT ONCE!! And we'll NEVER allow our homes to be used for criminal profiteering again! Every one gets a home and no more debt. That's how WE win. 250BOYCOTT Now!

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