NHS Pay Rise Agreed But Strikes Could Still Coincide With Junior Doctors - UK Column News

1 year ago

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-3rd-may-2023
- Mirror: NHS pay rise agreed but nurses and ambulance strikes could continue
- Pre-recorded Debi Evans interview of Roy Lilley on the nurses' strike; see also Roy Lilley's previous UK Column interview
- Daily Sceptic: State Covid Propaganda Destroyed Public’s Ability to Consent to Vaccines—Chairman of UK Council for Psychotherapy (Dr Christian Buckland)
- Sign Open Letter to Government: From Watchdog to Enabler? Undertake urgent review into MHRA's approval of Covid vaccines
- Perseus: MHRA—is it safe and effective?
- Taking On The MHRA by Cheryl Grainger: Part 1, Part 2
- Prof Norman Fenton—YouTube
- The Times: Lawyer of the week: Peter Todd, who acted for the family of a doctor, 32, over his death after Covid vaccine
- UK Column Interview: You are not alone—Peter Todd, Consultant Solicitor, ‘Maverick’ Vaccine Injury Expert
- Next MHRA Board Meeting held Tuesday 16 May 10 am. Book your place here

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