Igor Witkowski - The Nazi Bell

1 year ago

A Project Camelot Video:
On August of 1997, Polish journalist, military historian, researcher and author, Igor Witkowski claims to have been shown classified prisoner interrogation transcripts of German SS General Jakob Sporrenberg by a Polish Intelligence agent. What Witkowski discovered seemed to be official evacuation protocols for a secret Nazi research project concerning a device named “Die Glocke” which he referred to as, “The Nazi Bell.” Given the highest top secret classification by the German WWII military of “Krieg Entscheidend” or “War Decisive” the Nazi Bell appears to have been a machine designed to produce nuclear energy or weaponry or become an engine for anti-gravity Field Propulsion, but with some startling, uncontrollable and lethal side-effects such as the disruption of the space-time continuum. Witkowski’s findings led him to write a seminal book on the subject, Prawda o Wunderwaffe or “The Truth About the Wonder Weapon” published in 2000. This, in turn, has led authors like Nick Cook and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell to expand on the subject in their own respective books. Tonight we speak with Igor Witkowski to discuss how he came about his research on The Nazi Bell, what he thinks it might have been capable of, and finally a hint as to what it might still become.

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