Its unbelievable what Hitler did, it is unimaginable what Xi Jin Ping is doing.

1 year ago

It's unbelievable that Hitler and the Nazis killed so many Jews and other people as well, but it is unimaginable that Xi Jin Ping and the CCP with their diabolical multifaceted plan, have killed EVEN more than Hitler and the world has yet to "catch up with reality". My job as an expert on China, it's language and 34 years of experience, is to speak the truth about our present world. Pray for me, pray for my daily Mandarin Chinese
Bible study, it really is reaching many imporant people but there are also many enemies. 1 Corinthians 16:9 "for a wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries." 5/3/23 Simi Valley, California

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