How to Fix Automatic Repair Loop in Windows 10 - Startup Repair Couldn’t Repair Your PC

1 year ago

this video shows how to fix startup error with automatic repair loop in Windows10

In this tutorial, I will show you several ways to fix Windows 10 startup issues, including automatic repair loops, your PC not starting properly, infinite booting, or other similar startup issues Windows 10 may have. This can happen after Windows has installed certain updates it considers incompatible with software distribution, or after you have made certain changes to system settings or certain applications installed on your PC. If you can figure out what event is causing the problem, you don't need to try every fix, just choose the one that is most likely to fix the problem and implement it.

Method 1: Use the suggested restart option
Method 2: Use the startup repair tool.
Method 3: Use the registry backup command regback. This command replaces your registry configuration with the last known good configuration on your PC,so basically changing your registry configuration to the configuration of your most recent successful bootup.

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