A Hermetic Theory of Everything [Evolution, Morality, Structures, Simulation, Alchemy]

1 year ago

Chemistry of Mental Archetypes: When an algorithm recognizes itself.

This Theory of Everything is about the unification of opposites.
It also includes a universal formula (The Philosopher's Stone) which brings evolution, morality, structures, mathematics, ideologies, states of matter, states of mind, psychology, crowd control, perception, temperatures, religion, hermetic philosophy, and more under a single pattern.

PDF: http://philobster.com/

0:00 Intro
1:03 learn & teach | open & critical
2:37 Order, Chaos and Structures
4:34 Mathematics
5:40 Time
6:17 Possible Realities
7:22 Evolution
8:08 The 4th Synthesis
10:27 States of Matter, Temperatures & Alchemist Elements
11:38 Elementary Forces of Physics
13:04 Flow & Frequencies
13:27 Metaphysics & Physics
15:24 Perception
16:17 Evaluations
17:21 States of Mind
17:56 Collectivist & Individualist Species
19:20 Anti-Authoritarian & Authoritarian
21:11 Moral Judgments
24:14 Economics
27:17 Gun Rights
27:41 Political Visions
34:06 Concepts of Gender
38:47 Archetypes of Political Visions
40:56 Imperialism & Conflicts
43:32 Cycle of Societies
48:09 Four Meta-Planes
49:51 Into the Mind
53:08 Spectrum of Mind
57:09 Consequences of Duality & Polarity
58:39 Path of Enlightened Minds / Left & Right Hand Path
1:00:09 What is the self? Who am I?
1:03:44 Duality happens “as above, so below”
1:05:24 Final Chapter

It is a metaphysical theory, from a software developers perspective. It's not about Cern and the so-called God particle. It's not about looking into total detail. We are looking at the big picture from so far above that physics and quantum mechanics actually play only a minor role.

Here I will view the mind as an algorithm. A logical sequence of processing information, whose judgments are influenced by evolution and experience.
It is a cold look into the mental archetypes. So cold that the human mind seems to be nothing more than a complex calculator. Processes which simply happen out of themselves. So it is not exactly what many understand under metaphysics.

Science is about finding knowledge and recognizing.
For this, you have to be open, but also critical. Because if you are open but not critical, you become too naive. And if you are critical but not open, you become too dismissive to take in new information.
Knowledge acquisition is a zero point from which one can move in two directions into ignorance.

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