A Divine Revelation of Hell with Mary K. Baxter 👹

1 year ago

Time is running out! Repent and turn to JESUS!

After listening to this recording, please watch this video titled 'The Sinners Prayer: Thank God for Our Savior Jesus Christ' and please, please, accept Jesus as your Lord and savior and live a Godly life from this day forward! - https://rumble.com/vl7oru-the-sinners-prayer-thank-god-for-our-savior-jesus-christ.html

Original Video Link ⬇️ https://ia600900.us.archive.org/30/items/ADivineRevelationOfHeavenByMaryK.Baxter-Full/MaryKBaxter_Hell_Full_100mb_512kb.mp4

You can buy this recording as a book here ➡️ https://www.amazon.com/Divine-Revelation-Hell-Mary-Baxter/dp/0883682796

STEVE'S TAKE: The core is found about 1,802 miles below the Earth's surface, and has a radius of about 3,485 kilometers (2,165 miles).

In terms of depth below the surface, the Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3 retains the world record at 40,230 feet (7.6193182 miles) reached in 1989 and is still the deepest artificial point on Earth.

This means that mankind has still only managed to drill our deepest hole approximately .423% of the way to the core of the earth where Hell is said to be. Yet, still this 17 second audio recording (https://youtu.be/RxMa6VD7DOE) taken from this hole is said to be the screams of people burning in Hell. Think about that! Now, let that sink in... To be able to hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth... the screams so far from the core would be terrifying.

People say the story is not true but true or false if God says that's where hell is, then that's where it is and considering how far away we still are from the earth's core (still 99.6% left to drill), if they continue to drill down, what do you think they will find besides God's truth... in this case HELL!

It only makes sense that if hell is (down) in the center of the earth that heaven would be in the opposite direction (up).

Luke 21:28 (KJV)
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.


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Until next time stay American, stay Patriotic, and above all else stay Godly! PEACE!

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