SQL Course | SQL Training | SQL Tutorial For Beginners | Intellipaat

1 year ago

In this live session on the SQL course, firstly we will introduce you to what is a database, DBMS and later on, we will teach you SQL from scratch to an advanced level along with hands-on demo and interview questions. This video is must watch for everyone who wishes to learn SQL and make a career in it.

00:00 - SQL Full Course
01:07 - Introduction to Database
07:56 - Introduction to DBMS
09:58 - Introduction to SQL
15:37 - Applications of SQL
18:40 - Basics: SQL Tables
20:40 - SQL Tables: Datatypes
23:07 - Installation of SQL Server
27:36 - Create, use and Drop Database in SQL
29:52 - constraints in SQL
31:46 - Creating a table in SQL
35:03 - Insert Query Syntax in SQL
38:41 - Select Statement Syntax in SQL
41:51 - Select Distinct Syntax in SQL
46:06 - Operators in SQL
57:28 - Functions in SQL
01:06:59 - Clauses in SQL
01:17:03 - Statements in SQL
01:23:20 - Joins in SQL
01:43:53 - Union Operator in SQL
01:46:37 - Except Operator in SQL
01:48:20 - Intersect Operator in SQL
01:50:15 - Views in SQL
01:52:56 - How to Alter Table in SQL
01:55:42 - Merge statement in SQL
02:01:22 - Types of user-defined Functions
02:07:50 - Temporary table
02:10:40 - Case Statement in SQL
02:15:45 - IIF() Function in SQL
02:19:26 - Stored Procedure in SQL
02:24:39 - Exception Handling in SQL
02:34:02 - Data Base Administrator
02:35:44 - Types of DBA
02:37:35 - Intro to MS SQL Server
02:38:04 - Evolution of SQL Server
02:41:12 - Editions of SQL Server
02:43:26 - Installing MS SQL Server
02:43:47 - SQL Server System Databases
02:44:14 - Master Database
02:46:08 - Restoring "AdventureWorks" Database through GUI
02:48:14 - Recovery Models
02:51:14 - Planning a Backup Strategy
02:54:52 - Backup models in SSMS
02:55:48 - Point in Time Recovery
02:57:04 - Importing Data
03:02:38 - SQL Server OS Related DMV's
03:05:02 - Activity Monitor
03:05:32 - Starting Activity Monitor
03:07:59 - System Monitor/ Performance Monitor
03:10:56 - Working with SQL Server Profiler
03:12:36 - Ensuring Data Integrity
03:13:44 - Index in SQL
03:17:03 - Fragmentation
03:20:41 - CRUD Operations: SQL Queries
03:32:51 - What is SQL Injection with Hands-on?
03:55:34 - How to become an SQL Developer
04:04:32 - SQL Demo
04:22:14 - SQL vs MySQL
04:26:56 - Skills to become SQL Developer
04:29:22 - Career Path: SQL Developer
04:36:22 - SQL Interview Questions & Answers


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