Discovery of Insulin 50p coin - The Koin Club

1 year ago

Discovery of Insulin 50p

The discovery of Insulin is known to be one of the most important medical breakthroughs of the twentieth century. With over 422 million people suffering from the condition, Diabetes, the significance of Insulin as medication is unparalleled for sufferers of this dangerous infirmity.With no known cure, and largely ineffective treatments, the


Height: 27.3000

Weight: 8

Base metal: Cupro-nickel

Plating: None

Diameter: 27.3mm

Face value: 50 Pence

Year of issue: 2021

The Koin Club:

I decided to purchase ”Discovery of Insulin 50p coin”, as my stepson is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Mason has shown courage and great determination to reverse his diabetes and he has appeared on ITV News a couple of times to share his story and to encourage other children that are also diagnosed with diabetes.   

ITV News Report:

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