Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots in the Asymptomatic Vaxxed

1 year ago

The blinded JABBED masses believe they are ok until they drop suddenly - like we're seeing everywhere.

We all know of such people in denial. They often mock and ridicule us for trying to point them in the right direction.

Well please feel free to share this video with them all - especially the asymptomatic ones with no known side effects. Just because they don't feel anything, doesn't mean that death is breeding inside of them.

Thermography, or thermal imaging, can detect abnormal internal body temperatures. Allowing it to highlight areas of inflammation and poor blood circulation. It is the most effective non-invasive way of detecting DVT. Deep Vein Thrombosis. Otherwise known as Blood Clots.

And then point them in the direction of #ChlorineDioxide - a substance which will oxidise this death inside them and give them a fighting chance to survive.


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