5-time Emmy-award-winning sports director & 40-year veteran Dan Reagan is my very special guest!

1 year ago

5-time Emmy-award-winning sports director & 40-year veteran Dan Reagan talks about his latest release “Classic Rock Songs Revealed Vol. 1&2” w/Catherine
LaCroix covering the stories behind the music of legendary rock icons including Billy Joel, Chicago, The Guess Who, Boston, Styx, Gordon Lightfoot and many more! Dan has directed numerous broadcasts including the New York Mets, Yankees, Islanders, Atlanta Braves, NBA on TNT, CBS College Sports, MLB for ESPN, NHL on NBC, etc., and has as deep passion for classic rock and songwriting going back to the teen years and more! Check out the amazing “Classic Rock Songs Revealed Vol. 1&2” on all major platforms and ⁠www.classicsongsrevealed.com⁠ today! #danreagan #author #emmyawardwinningsportsdirector #classicrocksongsrevealed #catherinelacroix #billyjoel #gordonlightfoot #styx #newyorkmets #newyorkyankees #chicago #theguesswho #collegesports #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdanreagan #themikewagnershowdanreagan

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