Wing Chun vs Jeet Kune Do | The Problem with Challenging Teachers

1 year ago

One of the biggest problems with Traditional Martial Arts that I have wanted to address is the problem with challenging other martial arts Teachers.

This is something I've wanted to talk about for awhile, but this morning, I saw a video about a fight between a Wing Chun instructor and a Jeet Kune Do student that made me want to address this topic sooner than I had planned.

What's up Y'all? My name is Prince, and this is like my training journal where I'm sharing my journey to help you become a better martial arts athlete.

So like I was saying, this problem with challenging other martial arts teachers is something that I have been thinking about for years, and this video that I saw this morning made me feel a certain type of way to where I felt like I needed to post a video to process my thoughts.

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