Who Is Abaddon? Pt. 3: The Nebuchadnezzar Connection

1 year ago

So far, we’ve come to the conclusion that Abaddon and Lucifer are the same being due to the overwhelming amount of Biblical evidence. We also discussed how Abaddon is the king of Babylon, so shouldn’t he be connected to Nebuchadnezzar in some way? And if he is connected, how are the physical king of Babylon and the physical king of Babylon connected? And are there any correlations between Abaddon and Nebuchadnezzar other than Babylon itself? Join ArieRashelle as she searches through Scripture to connect the most infamous king of Babylon and the angel of the Bottomless Pit in her video, Who Is Abaddon? Pt. 3: The Nebuchadnezzar Connection.

Verses Used:
Revelation 9:11-12
Hebrews 1:14
Revelation 11:1-14
Revelation 17:1-18
Isaiah 14:12-15
Revelation 9:1-12
Isaiah 14:3-4
Genesis 1:31
Revelation 17:9-11
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Proverbs 30:5-6
Jeremiah 27:6
Jeremiah 25:9
Jeremiah 43:10
Daniel 4:10-27
Revelation 9:5
Revelation 17:9-11
Daniel 7:23-26
Matthew 24:15-22
Daniel 11:20-45
Daniel 12:11
Daniel 4:28-33
Exodus 12:12
1 Samuel 5:1-12
Daniel 4:34-37
Revelation 17:12-14
Daniel 7:23-27
Revelation 6:12-17
Revelation 16:12-16
Revelation 13
Revelation 19:20
Revelation 12:9
Revelation 11:1-14
Daniel 7:11-12

Our Website: https://www.holdtohope.org/theology/the-end-times/who-is-abaddon-pt-3-the-nebuchadnezzar-connection/

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