European Union Collective – Christopher Story – Part 1.13 – Europe From the Atlantic to Vladivostok

1 year ago

Full Playlist:

(0:32) Case Study 1: The dialectical method used to enter the Council of Europe
(13:44) Case study 2: The dialectical method used to penetrate NATO openly
(38:12) Case study 3: Primakov's 'staged row with Yavlinski' in Washington

Christopher Story "died under mysterious circumstances" after writing this book. He was an adviser on intelligence matters to Prime Minister Thatcher and published Soviet Analyst for many years. In the opinion of many he was better informed than British and US intelligence organisations put together. This book is a daring analysis of the plans of two major players in the battle for Europe's destiny.

Playlist Anatoliy Golitsyn – New Lies for Old:

Playlist Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the CIA – Anatoliy Golitsyn:

Notes and references:

128. 'International Affairs', Volume 42, Number 2,1996; article signed by Vladimir Lukin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of Foreign Affairs, entitled 'Russia's Entry to the Council of Europe'.
129. 'It's all a game' - identical to the cynical Leninist remark of Gorbachev at a news conference given in Moscow on
1st March 1996, in which the former Soviet President announced that he would be standing in the forthcoming Presidential
election. Source: Reuters, 1st March 1996. See also 'Soviet Analyst', Volume 24, Number 1, page 1.
130. The former Russian Minister of Defence, General Pavel Grachev, announced in 1993 that Russia was in the process of constructing one of the largest military areas in the world, at Mosdok, Ingushetia, from where it would be able to wage 'regional and global war'. The Chechen conflict served the purpose, inter alia, of providing a long-running diversion so that Western attention was focused on the televised warfare in Chechnya, rather than on the colossal military build-up at Mosdok, which is located at the apex of the Middle Eastern region. On 28th October 1993, Grachev met the then US Secretary of Defense, Mr William Perry, a 'collective security' enthusiast, during a trip to a US military base in Kansas, where he and Perry agreed a joint position ahead of revisions to the treaty to limit non-nuclear forces in Europe. General Grachev thereby 'rigged' the decisions in question, ensuring de facto acceptance by the West of blatant Russian breaches of its international undertakings in moving supplies of war materiel to the northern border of Chechnya on the pretext of the disturbances there. However the real purpose of this fancy-footwork was to convey materiel en masse into Mosdok. The importance of Mosdok in the European context, and in relation to Kaliningrad, is discussed in Part Two.
131. 'The Perestroika Deception', op. cit, page 58. Memorandum dated 4th January 1988.
132. 'Major pledge to Yeltsin on end of Cold War rivalry', The Times, London, 10th May 1996.
133. 'Russia hits at NATO plot', The Guardian, London, 13th February 1997.
134. 'Russia hits at NATO plot', The Guardian, ibid.
135. 'Russia hits at NATO plot', The Guardian, ibid.
136. 'Lebed takes three stands on NATO expansion', Martin Sieff, The Washington Times, 20th October 1996.
137. 'Perry offers NATO security partnership to Moscow', The Times, London; despatch from Bergen, Norway, 27th September 1996.
138. William Drodziak, The Washington Post, 11th September 1998.
139. 'Russia may climb down over NATO', Martin Walker, The Guardian, London, 21st March 1997. The author of this piece, Martin Walker, that newspaper's former Moscow correspondent, had published a book favourable to Gorbachev
140. 'Yelstin seems reconciled to an expanded NATO'. International Herald Tribune, 22nd-23rd March 1997.
141. 'Russia and NATO bury the Cold War', The Times, 28th May 1997.
142. The Washington Times, 12th May 1997.
143. Robert M. Gates, 'From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War', Simon & Schuster, New York, 1996, pages 502-503.

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