Stop Working So Hard - 4 Of Spades

1 year ago

Stop Working So Hard - 4 Of Spades

You’re doing an amazing job and everything you need is available to you.

You are supported and you don’t need to over-exert yourself to get the job done.

Whatever your extraordinary adventure looks like in your imagination will unfold should you choose to allow it.

There will be some things to take care of, and actions to take, and yet, there will be less to do than you think.

Today you are invited to feel the solidity of the foundation within you based on the choices you’ve made for your life experience.

Today you are invited to feel at ease and united with the resources, the people, and the energy needed to succeed.

Today you are invited to know that you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose, you are expressing your truth, and you don’t need to work hard to prove it.

Rest your body, take extra breaks, and choose to experience life at its fullest NOW.

The to-do list doesn’t need to be finished today.

Give yourself the gift of celebrating life and the journey.

Let yourself dance and play.

Life is too damn short for all work and no play.


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