Suicide Silence

1 year ago

If you don't like honest talk about the increase of suicide and some of the causes then you might want to skip this video. Contains some personal testimony and experience with the connections between divorce, homosexuality, and the silence surrounding them. Includes stories of a friend and a relative who both took their own lives. I don't think it is a coincidence that the rise in depression and suicides is in proportion to the rejection of God in society and God's Law in the church. But Christians are not allowed to say that divorce or homosexuality increase the chances of suicide (or are generally destructive period), or warn people who participate in such behavior of what is likely to happen to them. Our silence allows people to fall into tar pits of sin and we don't even mark the trail as hazardous. To be politically correct is to be practically useless.

One survey says divorced people are three times more likely to die from suicide as married people (National Institute for Healthcare Research). Children of divorce are more at risk for depression and other behavior problems (such as homosexuality) because they often blame themselves for the breakup or they just don't have the stability that two parents (of opposite gender) bring. Homosexual men are six times more likely to attempt suicide than straight men (highest of any group). These facts people will dismiss as coincidence. We can't talk about it. We don't like the fact that there are connections between selfishness, divorce, homosexuality, depression and suicide. We don't want to be reminded that our choices have consequences, which is at the heart of our silence, and silencing others. We're not allowed to explore the potential causes in order to stop the self-slaughter. Many would rather the depressed person just off themselves and be permanently quiet. They are making too much noise. However, I for one am taking the duct tape off and speaking out.

P.S. When I titled this video/article, I did not know there was a rock band in California somewhere that used this name.

For more information our books Whole Bible Christianity: Blessings Pressed Down and Overflowing, Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy and Whole Bible Prophecy: Horror and Hope are available on Amazon.

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