Madkhalism Working Against Dawah Islam & Muslims #clubhouse #speakerscorner

1 year ago

This is Izzy. a Somali Feminist with many Somali simping Somali men. (cringe).

Izzy went on stage once to publicly violate a Muslim Brother and his reputation on Clubhouse last may. Now yesterday she made a massive room saying he pleaded guilty of a crime he may or may not have committed a long time ago. In his Jahiliyah days.

At the time of Our Prophet ﷺ a lot of degeneracy was going on. Invading other tribes. raping women. So they would bury their daughters alive. in order for them not to be ashamed this way.

Our Sahaba ra some of them came from the worst backgrounds. They turned into some of the best people. Just how Khalil is. Alhamdulillah.

I look at him as still a very respected brother in Islam. I fully support him and wish those that may be of the receiving end of crime on his hands. (remember he was in the army also but Izzy is too dumb to talk about the American army). That they find peace and are compensated for their loss.

Allah SWT doesn't test us beyond our limits. I hope his family are being taken care off also. Of they ever need anything. they just need to ask. I will from my own pocket provide them InshaAllah. no worries.

Whatever time Khalil spends in prison. He will spend it in carrying on his dawah work InshaAllah. Every Muslim knows when they come to Islam they are new horns. so sins. slate is cleaned.

As for Democracies across the globe. They arrest the small thieves and the big ones are ruling the countries as Imran Khan says. Prime Minister of Pakistan.

The worst of crimes. War of Terror. Invasing Afghanistan. Iraq. What they did there. Every thing has been documented. These people were merciless. still are. So don't talk about Justice system in America or UK to me. They are dirty Lying hypocrites.

They always look for oppressing someone. Shaytaans is on a short time to take as many to hell as possible. Dont be his victim. Stay United stay strong. Avoid Banana and rice. It makes you should very Weak and your voice goes deep like a frogs.

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