[Becoming A Writer] What Makes a Good Story? Walter S. Campbell

1 year ago

THE FIRST REQUIREMENT of the fiction (as well as good non-fiction) is—a good story.
A good story is one which entertains the reader. In order to define the term more closely, we must first of all understand what the reader is like and how he happens to read fiction.
THE READER. The desire for fiction appears to arise out of the peculiar position in which mankind finds itself in this world. A newborn child is a complete egoist, caring only for its own appetites, comfort and content, and if a baby were able to fend for itself, these selfish impulses would dominate its whole life. But because of its helplessness the baby is compelled to adapt itself to the demands of those who feed and protect it, and so becomes a member of society.
It is man’s prolonged infancy which makes civilization possible...
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