2023 Candidate for Virginia House of Delegates 79th District - Richard Walker

1 year ago

Richard Walker is a democratic candidate running for Virginia House of Delegates 79th District on June 20, 2023.

Richard is a true grassroots advocate committed to bringing out the best in people and the Commonwealth while inspiring other everyday Virginians to feel empowered, run for office, and be the change Virginia needs.

As a certified mental health professional and graduate of Virginia State University, Richard has a successful record of policy change, including defeating the dangerous Atlantic Coast Pipeline that targeted the historic Black community with the pipeline’s only Virginia compressor station. Richard has also established Bridging the Gap in Virginia, a non-profit that empowers ex-offenders, veterans, persons in alcohol and substance abuse recovery, and those impacted by chronic homelessness.

Richard’s Policies for the People include environmental justice, workers’ rights, campaign finance reform, and criminal justice reform. He pledges to never accept donations from corporate entities and harmful special interests, and his policies will lift the working class and ensure that corporations pay their fair share of taxes into the public sector.

For more information on Richard Walker go to
Website: https://www.walkerfordelegate.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Walker4Delegate

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