美國醫界權威Dr.Peter McCullough針對新冠實驗針劑接種者身上的“刺突蛋白spike protein”傷害的解決方案:“納豆激酶”可切割刺突蛋白spike protein的裂解點,並讓身體分解它!還有其他天然品可參考

1 year ago

Vaccine-Injured Patients Report Promising Results With a Japanese Enzyme Called Nattokinase(納豆激酶)

"The Spike protein ... has some cleavage joints(裂解點), and nattokinase is just the right enzyme(納豆激酶是正確的酶,能切割刺突蛋白並使身體分解它) to cleave it and allow the body to basically break it down," shared Dr. Peter McCullough.

"Now, also in the [@TheWellnessCompany] supplement(補充劑) are other components that we believe help antagonize the Spike protein(對抗刺突蛋白的其他成分), including black sativa extract(黑苜蓿提取物). There's Irish sea moss powder(愛爾蘭海苔粉), green tea extract(綠茶提取物), selenium(硒). So it's the only product out there right now that seems to be perfectly positioned for this."

Nattokinase is featured in our jam-packed formula that provides immune and healing support for people concerned about the prolonged effects of spike proteins.


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