Divine Origin of the Asiatic Nations | Asiatics of North, South, Central America & the West Indians

1 year ago

Speaking about the reason why the Prophet reconnected the Asiatics of North America with their fellow Asiatics worldwide with a focus on the Asiatics of North, South, Central America, and the Caribbean (West Indies).

The Prophet let it be known in chapter 45 that the world is MUCH larger than the United States.

We must remember this and keep in mind that the Forerunner to the Prophet, a modern day John the Baptist, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, and his wife Amy Jacques Garvey were both born in Jamaica (West Indian).

Other notable leaders as well such as Malcolm X and Minister Farrakhan are also West Indian.
Farrakhan’s parents are from St. Kitts and Jamaica while Malcolm X’s mother was from Grenada and his father was from Georgia.

The mother of Malcolm X, Louise Little is from the island of Grenada. Apparently her grandparents were “liberated Africans” from West Africa, probably Nigeria that arrived in Grenada in the mid nineteenth century. Their family still owns land in Grenada to this day.2

“She (Louise) left Grenada in 1917, she arrived in Montreal, and then lived there for about two years. In Montreal, she was first introduced to Garveyism through her uncle, Edgerton Langdon, the son of Mary Jane and Jupiter Langdon. In Montreal, she joined the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), founded by Marcus Garvey and Amy Ashwood Garvey, and later met Earl Little, who was from Georgia. They married in Montreal, moved down to Philadelphia, and then to Omaha in 1921. And, lastly, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with some of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She has a very large and extended family in Michigan and elsewhere.”2

“She (Louise) was a committed Garveyite grassroots activist. She spoke multiple languages—English French, Patois. She taught her children the French alphabet. She insisted that her children read newspapers such as the Negro World, the official periodical of the UNIA, and newspapers from Grenada. ”2

“Point du Sable married a Potawatomi woman named Kitihawa (Christianized to Catherine) on 27 October 1788, in a Catholic ceremony in Cahokia in the Illinois Country, a longtime French colonial settlement on the east side of the Mississippi River.[15] It is likely that this couple was married earlier in the 1770s in a Native American tradition.”3

“Kitihawa Point Du Sable (also known by her Christian name, Catherine)[1] was a Potawatomi woman who, with her husband Jean Baptiste, established the first permanent settlement in what is now the city of Chicago.”4

“A December 2019 article in the Chicago Tribune mentions a proposal to rename Lake Shore Drive for Jean Baptiste Point du Sable.[4] The article suggests rethinking the history of the city and considering the centuries that Native American people used the area as a trading post -- and renaming Lake Shore Drive for Kitihawa instead.”4

“In August 2019, Floating Museum created an art installation called "Founders," which features Kitihawa, her husband, Jean Baptiste, and a child.[5] The goal of the piece is to bring attention to the fact that Chicago was originally founded by a Haitian man and a Potawatomi woman.[5] As part of this installation, the poem "Kitihawa Speaks," written by Osage poet Elise Paschen, was displayed in CTA Greenline cars.”4

“A photographic art exhibit called "Kitihawa's Chandelier" by Nicholas Henry, "honors the historical, cultural and racial fusion of an African and Native American."”4

1. http://www.noirguides.com/facesofafrobelizeans.html
2. https://www.aaihs.org/on-louise-little-the-mother-of-malcolm-x-an-interview-with-erik-s-mcduffie/
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Baptiste_Point_du_Sable
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitihawa_Point_du_Sable

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