UniversalOS (KDE and LXDE): easy to use, better applications, secure and private system

1 year ago

Password : demo

The UniversalOS operating system is a respin of MX Linux 21.3 KDE. It is secure, privacy friendly, preconfigured to be as simple and complete as possible, ideal for both the user who performs simple tasks and the user who needs to perform more advanced tasks. I have installed the best applications for each purpose, they meet the needs of the standard user and many of them are cross-platform, also recommended for Windows and MacOS. To enhance security and privacy, I installed Apparmor, activated the firewall and installed privacy-friendly browsers with additional settings. I also enabled blocklists in Qbittorrent.

In the following link you can find detailed information about the system and the download link. https://bio.link/universalos
Contact: dalmau.r@protonmail.com / Telegram: https://t.me/humano_libre

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