The Fortunate Fool (1933 - Public Domain)

1 year ago

Edited by David Lean -- The Fortunate Fool is a 1933 British comedy film directed by Norman Walker and starring Hugh Wakefield, Joan Wyndham and Jack Raine.

It was made at Ealing Studios as a quota quickie. The film's sets were designed by the art director Wilfred Shingleton.

Plot : A rich author looking for 'real life' inspiration adopts a career thief, and an attractive typist who is looking for a job, in this routine tale of the British class system, it's amusing enough to pass the time, but only of note as one of the early films edited by the great D.Lean, all in all OK.

I can't say that the editing by Lean is any better or worse than any other aspect of this film. The film was made at Ealing studios, but is not an 'Ealing Films' production.

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