@ArnoldSchwarzenegger “My dad’s a #Nazi” - Terminating #hatespeech & #JanuarySixth - WHAT D’yaThink

1 year ago

Full interview with Arnie @DaamnTalk via @CNN
Interview w/ commentary from #DaamnKam & other members is available only at thatDaamnTalkspot.locals.com
———— Excerpt written on 1-7-21 ————-
“The narrative We’re continually hearing is very concerning. The “insurrection” term being thrown about is reason for alarm. Not because it’s a hoax... but because the ones touting this narrative ARE the insurrectionists !!!
“Those groups are still out there, they haven’t gone anywhere. We’ve found out now that Proud boys and the 3percenters used social media to orchestrate the moving of weapons through DC in time for 1-6-21.”
We am so conflicted... the first value that was pressed onto Us was one of simplicity, in fact it’s arguably the root of most value systems. The truth. We were raised not to lie. As one with an inquisitive mind does, We always asked ‘why’?
As a truth seeker, navigating lies is commonplace… but we don’t have to do it alone.
Join Us, at DaamnTalk, as we determine the Truth of the past & define the present-together!
“Where People proceed information.”

Admittedly… since then, much has transpired & Our thoughts, like those of our predecessors, have evolved over time. Those thoughts, however, can get Us into trouble! That’s why We keep ourselves in check by staying in contact with the community & members like YOU! By seeking the truth & swapping the surface We can determine a perspective that fits both the ongoing narrative AND the evidence so clearly laid out for those who know how to see.” -DK

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