Buddha's Teachings & Sayings (13) quotes of famous persons motivation quotes moving on

1 year ago

Sree Buddha - the Noble, Novel & Enlightening name is known to the entire World. We all know how Siddhartha - the Prince became enlightened and shown the ways & means to get freedom from suffering and miseries & to attain self-realization.
The impact of Buddhism & Buddhist teachings in the heart & minds of the entire humanity is really unimaginable. Buddhism spread all over the world within a short period. Today, every earnest seeker to attain self-realization and enlightenment is very much interested in the Buddha's teachings & sayings.
Even though there are many religions in the world, the impact of Buddhism is of paramount importance.
Buddha's teachings disclose the essence of spirituality & it is really a panacea and elixir for a sincere seeker. Here comes the importance of Buddha's teachings & sayings. Here the Author, Dr. Purushothaman, a Surgeon by Profession is making an earnest attempt to spread the message of Buddhism.
Buddha's Teachings & Sayings in a series of Video Presentations.
The text for the full video is adapted from the Ebook by "Buddhist Sayings In English" by the famous Buddhist Monk David Holmes and the whole credit goes to Him.
Hope that this Series of Video Presentation will be of immense help to my fellow beings. With these words of introduction, we are presenting these video presentations to the entire Humanity.

With Regards
Dr. Purushothaman



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moving on
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quotes of famous persons

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