Anti Loosh ***SPECIAL*** Why I post Anti Loosh Videos and Encourage you to do more...

1 year ago

There may be those of you who look forward to the Anti Loosh videos I post and I wanted to post a video I found that speaks to the exact meaning of why I post these videos.

If you subscribe to my channel, you'll note I had several months of not posting which was part of my consciousness journey that is ongoing. I decided to post the Anti Loosh videos some time ago, but had some dramatic life experiences that disrupted my putting new videos out. Those life changes created within me a heart-turn of circumstances that I won't get into that had me coming back to post more Anti Loosh videos on a consistent basis.

My mind got out of the equation and my heart took over.

My Anti Loosh videos are intented to be positive and uplifiting. If you search my channel, you'll find MANY non Anti Loosh videos showing the exact reason I moved to put only positve material in the Anti Loosh postings. MY earlier postings covered all things evil and difficult to look at such as Satanism, the politics of today, the horrifying truths of the Covid 19 plandemic and the resultant clot shot campaign killing millions with many more millions to come, child torture and killing, adrenochrome, lies of all governments, untruths that are the device used to keep those asleep dreaming on in this Matrix documentary we call "life on planet earth." I believe those videos are important and very happy to have posted them so they are part of this ongoing journey for me to find what is important to say. They are and still are important to contemplate and many of them are still relevant because of what is coming soon. If you are awake, you know that that means. If you are asleep, keep searching for the truth.

I then moved into wanting to be uplifing and help others realize we are all perfection from God waiting to be launched with the consciousness abilities of beings much greater than the ego-driven madness that surrounds us all.

My opinoin is you have to go within to find yourself and BE AND DO ALL YOU WANT TO BE AND DO.

So, I've posted this video and I don't even know who this genteman is, but I will do more digging to find out. His message was so perfect and hit my heart and soul so perfectly, I just had to post it immediately. It speaks the truth as I know it to be.

Make a decision and DO something no matter what others say and think.
We are ascending as surely as I'm writing this. Some of us will move our consciousness upward and embrace love and kindness and compassion and understanding, some of us will not and for them, the journey will be more difficult, but that is their choice and I have no right to criticize that choice. No, no, the conscsiousness I need to employ for those who want to remain in the egoistic world they are comfortable with is to love them where they are, help them if they ask, but leave them be to go their own journey. They will go where they need to go, just like I will go where I need to go, hoepfully with no interference from those who do not believe as I do.

All we can do is treat others as we want to be treated. Hmmm...the golden rule is real, is it not?

Comments, as always are welcomed...


That is what needs to happen if you are interested in making changes in our world.

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