Best Treatment Centre for ITP(Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura) & Low Platelet Count in India

1 year ago

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✔️-ITP stands for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, which is a rare autoimmune disorder that affects blood clotting. It is characterized by low platelet count and excessive bleeding.

✔️-At Planet Ayurveda, ITP is treated using a holistic approach that involves a combination of Ayurvedic herbs, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications. The treatment aims to restore the balance of the doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) in the body and strengthen the immune system.

✔️-The herbs used in the treatment of ITP at Planet Ayurveda have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties that help boost platelets count naturally. In addition to herbal remedies, patients may also be advised to make dietary changes such as avoiding processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol and increasing their intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

✔️-It is important to note that Ayurvedic treatments are individualized, and the treatment plan for each patient may vary depending on their specific needs and medical history. It is recommended to consult with Top Ayurveda Experts to have an effective personalized treatment for ITP.

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