Tribulation survival guide

1 year ago

After the rapture happens you will be in the tribulation period for 7 years, the antichrist will waste no time taking over the world and he will, he will sit in the third temple in Jerusalem and say he is God and will make a treaty with the Jews, America will be out of the way and destroyed completely, there will be no one left in America, they will be dead or in prison camps and America will be a black hole, Israel will be by itself and perfect for the antichrist, he has zero need for America at all, America is Babylon and will be destroyed completely by Russia, Iran, China, north Korea, huge earthquakes , tsunami, nuclear attacks all at once, WW3 will break out when the rapture happens, all the Holy Spirit filled believers will all be gone, not the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors they will all be left behind and will have to decide between Jesus and the antichrist, all the churches will be burned down, bibles destroyed, crosses to, the antichrist has no need for that in the tribulation period, it will be his religion only and pope Francis will be doing the one world religion and the Catholic Church and all those who supports the antichrist will be part of it, pastors that give out the vaccines, supports masks, government, sodomites, abortion murderers, and all the wicked filth of the world will be part of it and their lost hell bound members to, pope Francis will be the beast that forces everyone to worship the antichrist and get the vaccines and if not have them killed, money will be worthless, no cash anymore that will be gone, they will use a credit card and the vaccine chip that is already in stupid people who got the vaccines, yep the microchip is in the vaccines and they know who you are and everything you do, they will have you scan your wrist to buy anything, whole foods already does it, Amazon to, Disney, Walmart, they already have scan your wrist to check out and enter!! Satan is the same as he was in the garden of Eden, he told Adam and eve did God really say you shall not eat from this tree? You won't die, did God really say you shall not get the vaccines? Nothing will happen to you, he is a liar and wants as many people to end up in the lake of fire with him and his Fallen angels, Satan is all about himself and that is why the antichrist will kill those who do not worship him, they are in the way of the one world government and one world religion! And have to be killed to get them out of the way, the 7 year tribulation will be hell on earth, read Daniel, Esther, Ruth, revelation now, you better start reading your Bible!! You will need it in the tribulation period!!

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