Tucker Carlson Today | Douglas Murray: Merged Episodes Includes Series Premiere & The Return

1 year ago

Includes 2 different unedited shows with Douglas Murray that aired during the first season of Tucker Carlson Today. Second show with Douglas Murray begins after the end of the first one. Total time 1h 19m

Tucker Carlson Today
Oppression & The Passport to Elite Success
'You either speak the truth as you see it or you grow to despise yourself.' Douglas Murray talks to Tucker about protests, victimhood, and how America has lost its moral confidence in the series premiere of Tucker Carlson Today.

3-29-2021 • 31m

Tucker Carlson Today
Douglas Murray Returns
Conservative author and editor Douglas Murray returns for part two of his sit down with Tucker to talk about his career, the importance of preserving our history, and the future of the conservative movement.

7-26-2021 • 48m

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