Victory - Zoë Band - JBay Jam 30+ years later

1 year ago

Have you ever reunited with old bandmates after years apart? That's exactly what the members of the Zoë Band did after more than 30 years. In this video, we'll take a musical journey down memory lane with the band as they share their heartwarming reunion.

The Zoë Band formed in 1986, and over the years, many people played roles in the group. While they'd like to acknowledge everyone who contributed, the band singles out one of its founding members, drummer Darryl Blignaut, who has since passed away.

After years of being apart, the core 4 musicians of the band -- Donovan Oosthuizen (Bass), Franklin Oosthuizen (Guitar), Michael Venter (Drums), and Rory Townsend (Keyboards) -- reunited to recall the songs, chords, and notes that they had played together so many years ago.

While it was loads of fun to reminisce about their musical past, what was truly heartwarming for the band was reconnecting with one another. They set aside their individual natures to strive for that "perfect" rendition in order to embrace the moment, imperfections and all, and memorialize their music.

During the reunion, the band played as many snippets of their old songs as they could remember, hoping that listeners would enjoy their journey down memory lane. They also reminisced about the other individuals who played a large or small role in their journey, including Stewart Black, Craig Roman, Cecil Mitchell, Amber Blignaut, Delia Campodonico, Brendan Murphy, Lance Allison, Charmaine Venter, Vincent Fraser, Gareth Christians, and Sharonese Venter...

If you're a fan of music reunions or just love to reminisce about old memories, you won't want to miss these heartwarming videos about the Zoë Band's reunion.

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