EU-China relations video

1 year ago

EU-China relations video: Shameful displays of colonial arrogance towards China should be left in the past. 中歐關係視頻: 過去對中國的殖民傲慢的可恥表現應該留下.

The issue is simple. Do we in Europe want to be a vassal of our Atlantic American friends, or have peaceful, independent relations with our largest trading partner, which hasn't dropped a bomb on anyone in 40 years 問題很簡單。我們歐洲人是想成為我們大西洋美國朋友的附庸,還是想與我們最大的貿易夥伴保持和平、獨立的關係,而這個貿易夥伴已經 40 年沒有向任何人投過炸彈了?

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