"The Christian Media Project" (a challenge to Christians worldwide)

1 year ago

The following video was first posted on another video sharing platform on June 6, 2022. It is now being re-posted exclusively on rumble.com for your viewing pleasure and hopefully, your edification as well. "The Christian Media Project" has been designed as a template for all aspiring Christian filmmakers, television producers and media arts creators to work together towards a 100% Christian controlled media within a decade. Had the Christian community held firmly to what the Bible teaches versus what the satanic "show business barons" have forced upon the masses since the advent of film and sound recordings, then there is no doubt that the entire world would have heard the true, saving Gospel of Jesus Christ long ago and that much of the past centuries' woes (such as wars, starvation, rampant crime, disease and worst of all, false religion designed to promote anti-christian progaganda) would have been avoided entirely! With that said, if Christians begin to follow Christ's commands instead of what those same smut peddlers are forcing upon the world today, then we can begin making up for lost ground and prayerfully, see humanity turn for the better through the uncompromising truth brought to mankind through our scriptures! May the Lord lead and guide you through this re-dedication towards Him and may He use you mightily for His glory! The tomb is empty; Christ is risen!!!

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