i will talk about ____ in a way that nobody else can

1 year ago

should i do a podcast and pretend i'm conservative *sitting in front of bookcase
mass immigration has been happening for awhile
the real great replacement is the technology takeover
i don't vibe w/ most americans
i hate these things about myself
why i feel like a eunuch
women are naturally narcissists
eve trusted the serpent whose problem was pride
women's sports were already a joke
i like the movie a league of their own, that's as far as i will go
been studying the politics of women since the late 80s
women are insecure which is why they are emotionally manipulative
studying america aka mental illness capital of the world
i'm here to spread these fruits of my research
you don't have to agree w/ me, i know i'm right
pay attention. do research. can admit when i'm wrong
my socks are purposely mismatched
i guess i am not biologically driven in the same way
why bad behavior happens
this culture encourages women to totally debase themselves
women can't even kill themselves, it's just so sad
all identity politics capitalizes on insecurity
too unimportant to get kicked off yt haha
oh yeah i was on bitchute for like a min
we probably won't remember to come up w/ a better metaphor, oh well
it's not women's fault that they're this way
i don't expect very much from our society
libertarianism is silly in a society w/ no integrity
did that meme change any mfing thing
nobody has the gift i've got
at least you got your time slot right
who has a podcast? that's sooooo original, man
we always have a heater on no matter the weather
who else is drinkin odoules at 3am

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