League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Singed

1 year ago

Jayce, Yi, Volibear, Syndra, and Cass vs Heimer, Singed, Sona, Sivir, and Annie

0:00 Start
I played Singed so that we at least had a bruiser. It was tough to stay alive in the beginning XD. Even teams so hard to make a prediction on who would win.

2:00 First Blood Fight
Annie walked in to kill Voli but couldn't reach and died.

2:52 First Death
Snowballed in hoping to flip someone behind but it Jayce's leap sort of cancelled it. Strange interaction but makes sense.

9:44 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Blue
Lot of back and forth. Eventually the blue tower went down.

12:49 T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
15:26 T2 Tower Destroyed - Red
Just dove us. I didn't have much health left.

17:15 Red Inhibitor Destroyed
We let them have it for free =) Getting tankier at this point and I can just run around pretty freely. Heimer saved us from some close losses

16:40 Nexus Towers Destroyed and End

26:37 Red Inhibitor Destroyed again
A lot of back and forth again. Yi had potential to run us over but I could be very annoying as well.

27:10 Another extended fight which left T2 Tower Destroyed - Blue
We were picking off one champ at a time.

28:01 Everything else destroyed.

So many surrender votes and then we win XD.

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