3 THINGS That’ll Destroy A Man In The Oil Patch!

1 year ago

These are the three things that will destroy a man in the oil patch.

First is the drugs in the liquor. I know what you’re saying. Everyone does drugs and liquor out in the oil patch.. and you would be correct. However, a lot of guys have a few drinks and a few. Hey how are you doings. And our great trustworthy man.

What I’m talking about is when the drugs and liquor consume your life . You become irresponsible and people do not trust you.


Number 2 gold digging horse nothing will destroy man’s life more than a GoldDigger. And you need to avoid these women at all costs. The reason why is because the court system is not in the favour of the oil patch worker. And she will get resources from two different males.. which means you’re paying her for another guy to have sex with her. You don’t want to be there.

Number three the boom and bust. Oil and gas is a boom and bust industry. You need to be careful to not overleveraged yourself. Or when the bus happens and you have too many payments. You’ll lose everything you worked hard for. That’s no good.

And these are the three things that will destroy man in the oil patch.

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