Rediscovering Tapping as a Means of Releasing Stress, Anxiety, Anger, and Dis-Ease with Leah Lesesne

1 year ago

Who ever knew that a few taps on pointed spots on the body could so effectively release mental and even physical toxins that keep us enslaved to our thoughts and passions?

Paul admonished the Corinthians to "bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." Easier said than done, right? But God who instructs us to do so has also provided a means of doing so.

This is not some woo-woo practice taught by one-armed monks atop Mt. Kilimanjaro. This is a completely natural means of aligning our body with our thoughts, that when done correctly (and in the privacy of your own home) will allow you to be free from anger, excessive stress, resentment, pride - and all the unpleasant physical effects which manifest from these things.

Here's a bit of what you'll hear in today's episode:
00:00 Introduction
03:00 A brief history of the practice of tapping
06:10 How Leah got involved in the tapping practice
08:35 A response to the thought that tapping is "unchristian"
13:15 Real-life success stories of tapping releasing anger and depression
16:50 Anonymously confront toxins, physical and emotional
21:10 Tapping demonstrated by Leah and Wendie

-And much more...

Resources mentioned:

Captive Thought Therapy

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IG: @captivethoughttherapy and @shelemahwellness

Leah Lesesne spent years in the mental health counseling world frustrated by the lack of lasting healing she saw. She knew there had to be better answers for the hurt her clients felt. Convinced of God’s promise in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 of complete wholeness spirit-mind-body, she returned to her roots of inner healing prayer and found revelation after revelation of God’s answers to lasting breakthrough. Her mission is to share those revelations to help you be as healthy, whole, and close to Jesus as possible. Bringing together her unique skill set of counseling training, inner healing prayer ministry, and mind-body work, Leah’s model, Captive Thought Therapy addresses our emotional and spiritual struggles for a truly holistic approach. Check out her website for videos, books, workshops, and more

Wendie Pett
Christian - Natural - Fitness

Wendie Pett is a fitness coach, holistic health expert and creator of the Visibly Fit™ Christian holistic health and wellness program that has been featured on ABC, NBC, TBN, Women's Health & Fitness Magazine and more.

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