Darwinian Evolution - Junk Science Series Trailer

1 year ago

Darwinian Evolution is junk science and racist in its origins.

WARNING: This video series contains SHOCKING content. These options are not our opinions--they are the actual SHOCKING quotes of the scientists involved.

Charles Darwin was a naturalist and biologist, hailed as a hero by the scientific community for his ‘finds’ in nature leading to the publishing of his book 'The Origin of Species'. Whence forth came Darwin's theory of evolution and the process of natural selection taught in schools today. Now this all sounds very nice. However, digging deeper into Darwinian evolution reveals an elitist, racist, divisive mentality which has been used to push a lot of nefarious agendas on us today. For example, eugenics. Eugenics is basically population control. It's breeding of those who are deemed to be worthy and fit of having children and contributing to the human race, usually people who have an education, are of a certain race, with certain characteristics, class, color, wealth and of course no disabilities. Does this sound familiar? You may be thinking of a certain crazy German man who had a funny mustache, but there are other people more discreet, sly, and manipulative who are accomplishing these same goals on a global scale. This sounds darker than what you probably learned in school about Darwinian evolution. But these are just small things that came from the impact of Darwin’s theory of evolution. Eliyahu ben David has come out with a series of videos on the history of Darwinian Evolution, where it came from, how it came about, what it stands for, and what it really means for mankind, the truth of evolutionary thinking and how it effects our daily lives. Don’t miss any of the videos in this series, each one will be released weekly and is roughly 5-10 minutes in length. Turning on notifications is advised so that you are notified when each new video is released in this series. Uncover the truth behind Darwinian Evolution, see for yourself that this whole theory is just junk science!

WARNING: This video series contains SHOCKING content. These options are not our opinions--they are the actual SHOCKING quotes of the scientists involved.

#Bible #BibleStudy #Trailer #Science #Darwin #Evolution #Debunked #Theory

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