Slavery vs Racism vs Reparations

1 year ago

Starting by addressing Ta-Nehisi Coates' controversial article “The Case for Reparations” published in The Atlantic, Thomas Sowell talks about slavery, race relations in America, and more — must 👀 watch interview!

What it may seem almost incomprehensible today is that it was almost no serious challenge to the moral legitimacy of slavery prior to the 18th century. Christian monasteries in Europe and Buddhist monasteries in Asia, both had slaves.

Even Thomas More's “Utopia” had slaves!

The institution of slavery historically was not based on race. Whites as well as Blacks were enslaved.

At least TWICE as many Europeans were brought as slaves on the Barbary Coast of North Africa, as African slaves were brought in the 13 American colonies.

White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Islamic world, decades after Blacks had been freed in the United States.

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